FAQs - ALDI Weekly Ads & Emails
Weekly Ads
A. Our weekly ads are distributed only via local newspapers. However, you can view our weekly ads online or sign up for our Weekly Newsletter.
A. Our weekly ad is distributed only via local newspapers. From time to time, the distribution area criteria may change. In the event that your zip code is not included in your division’s distribution area, you can view our weekly ads online at www.aldi.us, sign up for our Weekly Newsletter or pick up the next week’s flyer as you exit your local ALDI store.
A. If you are experiencing issues viewing images, check your email settings. It is possible that images are being blocked due to settings that your email provider has in place to protect your privacy. If this is the case, you may need to flag ALDI as a safe sender before you will be able to view images. There may also be an option asking you whether or not you wish to allow images from the sender. Select “yes” to view the images.
A. Be sure to check your junk mail folder as they could be flagged as SPAM. Also, add noreply@aldi.us to your safe-sender list to prevent this from happening again.
A. The majority of our stores begin ALDI Finds on Wednesdays, therefore, the email send date is always a Wednesday. However, ALDI Finds are advertised on aldi.us a week in advance, so be sure to visit our site weekly to find our latest and upcoming ALDI Finds.
A. To unsubscribe from the ALDI weekly email, click the “unsubscribe” link located at the bottom of each weekly email. Next, enter your email address at the bottom of the weekly email form – under the “Unsubscribe” header – and click “unsubscribe.”